Saturday, February 26, 2011


aprilathena7 a beauty guru is giving away lots of cool free stuff, check out her youtube video:

and blog 

we love giveaways, so you might wanna check that out

How to accessorize you hair band / headband

If you have plain looking hairband / headband and wishes to create a more fun look or just try to jazz it up a bit, i have a very simple trick that might help you create a whole new look without spending a dime.....

What we'll need is:
  •  a plain looking hair band / headband
I would suggest something thin like this

  • hat / flower hair clip or a big brooch

this would be perfect because it has sturdy clip

this one would be ok, because it is a dual function would work as brooch and hair tie

( this is how both looks like when you flip it over )

Just clip the pin on the left or right side of the hairband and voila! you have now a fun new look, plus the hairband / headband keeps the hair from falling off you face...

Do you like accessorizing? Share your pictures..... 

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